
Showing posts from August, 2021

Practical 4

 Since last practical has lead us to learn about the knowledge and technique of carboud journey as a prototyping,we are required to design a cardboard game for children .Thus,in this practical ,we decide to design a maze game.The maze game is control by four strings from dour direction respectively.There are some ways to reach the terminal which is the middle of the maze. Our designed maze as shown below Reason The reason why we decide to make this together is because we found that we have lack of communication and interaction among teammembers,thus we decide to make it to tighten the relationship among the children.Therefore,this maze game can be the main choice of them .It can practise teamwork spirit among them,it can also train them to become more patient because it requires long time to finish a game due to high difficulty of controlling it.It also can develop the determination in the children life due to experience of many failure in the road towards success.So,we design this...


In the practical 3,we have learnt about the cardboard journey which is one type of the proyotyping.In this practical ,we just learnt about the basic techniques first of cutting cardboard and design it in different shape.For example,flanges,slotting,slots and tabs ,gusset,hole-punch, scoring,bending ,creasing and some other knowledge that we can learn in this practical. After watching the video on how cardboard joinery worked that have uploaded on blackboard learning, we followed some of the examples given to us to get a feel of how to join cardboard through practice like slots and scoring, we then made a plane using what we learnt from the video and the examples given. Doing this helped us understand how cardboard joinery worked and how it is important in prototyping.The picture below shows the process what have we work together as a team. There are the product we have done in  the practical. We also required to design the extra cardboard product which we think ourselves and it is ...